Using evocative language and powerful emotion, Jill Uchiyama’s poems expose the creative interior of an adopted girl, from infancy to middle age. Through them, we discover the rare and often unknown thoughts, dreams, and imagination of the adoptee forced to adapt to a new family and leave the old one behind.
In this intimate collection of poems, the hidden psychological and spiritual effects of wondering where one belongs in the world are brought to life, challenging an old culture of portraying adopted children as happy and fortunate. The poems share many facets of life in a closed adoption including DNA testing, discovering new family members, and poignant memories of the parents that raised her as their own.
Transparent and candid, Out of the Fog liberates depth of feeling common to everyone with an imperfect family life who thrives, regardless.
Adoptee Author: Jill Uchiyama
Publication Year: 2022
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