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Two Hearts: An Adoptee’s Journey Through Grief to Gratitude

by Linda Hoye

Linda Hoye was in her early twenties when she found herself parentless for the second time. Adopted at five months of age, her heritage, medical history, and access to information about who she was or where she came from was sealed. It was as if she had never existed before being adopted. When she was barely in her twenties her adoptive parents died and a pattern of loss was put into motion that would continue for years as, one by one, those she called family were torn from her life. Two Hearts charts a course through a complex series of relationships stemming from the author’s adoptive family, her maternal and paternal birth families, and an abusive marriage as the author seeks the one thing she so desperately wants: family. She knows she must come to terms with the bitterness she harbors toward her birth mother when she becomes a grandmother and, soon after, faces the loss of the last remaining members of her adoptive family. She makes one final attempt to find something that will give her the sense of rightness that eluded her for so long. This is the story of a woman’s journey through unfathomable grief, of what it takes to go into the abyss of deep-seated wounding, to feel the pain, and to come out the other side. Whole, healed, and thankful.

Adoptee Author: Linda Hoye

Publication Year: 2012

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Two Hearts: An Adoptee's Journey Through Grief to Gratitude
Two Hearts: An Adoptee's Journey Through Grief to Gratitude
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