Including More Than 450 Adoptee-Recommended Titles!

Tag: MarcyAxness

  • Parenting for Peace: Raising the Next Generation of Peacemakers

    Parenting for Peace: Raising the Next Generation of Peacemakers

    by Marcy Axness, PhD

    If we really want to change the world, let’s raise a generation “built for peace”… from the very beginning. Parenting for Peace is a user-friendly scientific roadmap for how to do exactly that… while bringing more joy into family life! Parenting for Peace details a unique…

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  • Adoption Therapy: Perspectives from Clients and Clinicians on Processing and Healing Post-Adoption Issues

    Adoption Therapy: Perspectives from Clients and Clinicians on Processing and Healing Post-Adoption Issues

    Edited by Laura Dennis

    With writing by adoptees, adoptive parents, and clinicians, Adoption Therapy is a first-of-its-kind and wholly unique reference book, providing insight, advice, and personal stories which highlight the specific nature of the adoptee experience. Editor: Laura Dennis Adoptee Authors: Marcy Axness, Ph.D.; Karen Belanger; Karen Caffrey, LPC, JD;…

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