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Tag: JenniferLauck

  • Parenting As Adoptees

    Parenting As Adoptees

    Edited by Adam Chau and Kevin Ost-Vollmers

    Through fourteen chapters, the authors of Parenting As Adoptees give readers a glimpse into a pivotal phase in life that touches the experiences of many domestic and international adoptees–that of parenting. The authors, who are all adoptees from various walks of life, intertwine their personal…

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  • Blackbird: A Childhood Lost and Found

    Blackbird: A Childhood Lost and Found

    by Jennifer Lauck

    An account of the author’s childhood, including the deaths of her adoptive parents and Lauck’s discovery that she is adopted, told from her point of view as a child experiencing these events. Adoptee Author: Jennifer Lauck Publication Year: 1999 Critical Reviews Adoptee Reviews:  Other Reviews:  All Bookshop…

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