Lions Roaring Far From Home: An Anthology by Ethiopian Adoptees includes the essays and poems of 33 writers, ages 8 to over 50, raised in six countries (the US, Canada, Sweden, France, the Netherlands, and Australia). It is the first ever anthology by Ethiopian adoptees.
This anthology shares Ethiopian adoptees’ wide range of experiences, from childhood into adulthood, through the voices of the adoptees themselves. There is more than one mention of grief, confusion, and loss. The writers also talk about their strengths, hopes, happiness, and love for family. Along with sadness and anger, there is also compassion, grace, and confidence. Each voice is filled with power.
The editors and writers hope that our book will shift the narrative around adoption, to truly center the lived experiences of Ethiopian adoptees, first families, and those impacted by international adoption.
Adoptee Editors: Kassaye Berhanu-MacDonald, Aselefech Evans
Editor: Maureen McCauley
Publication Year: 2022
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