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Finding Heart Horse: A Memoir of Survival

by Claire Hitchon (with Janice Harper)

Have you ever wanted something so badly it was all you could think of? All you could talk about, write about, dream about. Claire did. She wanted a horse. Finding Heart Horse is her journey and her search for her Heart Horse. It takes her from being “the girl most likely to succeed” to a life on the streets of Yorkville in the late sixties. As an adopted child she had no identity, no history, and no place where she “fit.” We all have different journeys, but the essence is the same. We all want to be loved, to belong, and to be happy. Everyone at some point has yearned for something so powerful that, like a magnet, it pulls you into the unknown. Even if you weren’t really sure what it was for, you knew you had to pursue it. Life lessons are learned, spirituality discovered. The reality of opposites is proven. With pain comes pleasure, with despair comes hope, with sadness comes joy, and perhaps along the way even your Heart Horse may be found.

Adoptee Author: Claire Hitchon

Author: Janice Harper

Publication Year: 2013

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Finding Heart Horse: A Memoir of Survival
Finding Heart Horse: A Memoir of Survival
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