Including More Than 450 Adoptee-Recommended Titles!

Category: Foster Care

  • A Duck – but Tall in the Water . . .

    A Duck – but Tall in the Water . . .

    by Lesley Wells

    Lesley was one of six children whose mother gave them all away. Fostered then adopted by people who were simply not fit for purpose she experienced a lot of pain and cruelty in her childhood, but also found a lot of joy in the most…

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  • Connecting Threads: Five Siblings Lost and Found

    Connecting Threads: Five Siblings Lost and Found

    by EM Blake

    A graphic memoir about siblings of Indigenous and European-American heritage who are taken from their first family, placed in foster care, and most were adopted-a story of the journey to find each other and their first family. This is the story of the complex needs…

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  • Let Us Be Greater: A Gentle, Guided Path to Healing for Adoptees

    Let Us Be Greater: A Gentle, Guided Path to Healing for Adoptees

    by Michelle Madrid

    Adoption is a lifeline of support and opportunity for countless people, but it can bring challenges and emotional conditions that are often silenced or left unaddressed, including PTSD, risk of suicide, and fear of abandonment. Author Michelle Madrid has experienced these challenges as a foster…

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  • We Were Once a Family: A Story of Love, Death, and Child Removal in America

    We Were Once a Family: A Story of Love, Death, and Child Removal in America

    by Roxanna Asgarian

    The shocking, deeply reported story of a murder-suicide that claimed the lives of six children–and a searing indictment of the American foster care system. On March 26, 2018, rescue workers discovered a crumpled SUV and the bodies of two women and multiple children at the…

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  • Dear Stephen Michael’s Mother: A Memoir

    Dear Stephen Michael’s Mother: A Memoir

    by Kevin Barhydt

    Abandoned by his mother at birth, Kevin was enveloped in a labyrinth of adoption, addiction, and child sexual abuse. By age 20, a shell of the boy he once was, Kevin succumbed completely to a suicidal lifestyle of drug dealing and prostitution. At 45, after…

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  • We Are All Human Beings: An Adoptee Ponders

    We Are All Human Beings: An Adoptee Ponders

    by Paul Kimball

    Paul Kimball, a biracial adoptee, explores his own abandonment issues as he searches and eventually reunites with his birth parents. After a seemingly joyous reunion, his birth mother, a Caucasian professional cellist, rejects him. This causes him to seek out his Armenian birth father who,…

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  • Y: A Novel

    Y: A Novel

    by Marjorie Celona

    Growing up in foster homes, Shannon chooses to define life on her own terms, but she never stops wondering why she was abandoned. Brilliantly interwoven with Shannon’s story is the tale of her mother, Yula, a girl herself who is facing a desperate fate in…

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  • Rooted in Adoption: A Collection of Adoptee Reflections

    Rooted in Adoption: A Collection of Adoptee Reflections

    by Veronica Breaux and Shelby Kilgore

    Rooted in Adoption: A Collection of Adoptee Reflections is a collection of short narratives from those who have been adopted. Adoptees of various ages, backgrounds, and experiences were asked discuss the joys of adoption and the struggles of living a life of secrecy and lost…

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  • Goodbye, SaraJane: A Foster Child Writes Letters to Her Mother

    Goodbye, SaraJane: A Foster Child Writes Letters to Her Mother

    by Sequoya Griffin

    Dear Mama Katherine, This is your daughter SaraJane. I know you named me Sequoya at birth and I haven’t seen you since I was ten-years-old. I want you to know that SaraJane is the name my adoptive mother gave me. I was going to look…

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  • They Chose Me: An Adoption Story

    They Chose Me: An Adoption Story

    by Denise Lynnette Defoe

    Raw and informative, They Chose Me: An Adoption Story shares the gripping story of Denise Defoe who was relinquished for adoption at birth. Adopted at the age of two by a loving family, Denise still struggled intensely with feelings of grief, abandonment, lack of self…

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  • My Name Is Why

    My Name Is Why

    by Lemn Sissay

    How does a government steal a child and then imprison him? How does it keep it a secret? This story is how. At the age of seventeen, after a childhood in a foster family followed by six years in care homes, Norman Greenwood was given…

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  • Groundbreaking Interventions: Working with Traumatized Children, Teens and Families in Foster Care and Adoption

    Groundbreaking Interventions: Working with Traumatized Children, Teens and Families in Foster Care and Adoption

    by Jeanette Yoffe

    A book of 16 interventions designed to teach new and imaginative ways for working with traumatized children in foster care and adoption and their families. Groundbreaking Interventions provides a wide variety of play-based methodologies that have been successful in working with children over the age…

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  • Through Adopted Eyes: A Collection of Memoirs From Adoptees

    Through Adopted Eyes: A Collection of Memoirs From Adoptees

    Edited by Elena S. Hall

    Through Adopted Eyes explores the world of adoption from the viewpoint of adoptees. Russian adoptee Elena S. Hall shares her own story and thoughts on the subject of adoption in addition to interviews from other adoptees of different ages, heritages, and perspectives. Whether you are…

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  • Odyssey of a Belief: An Adoptee’s Journal

    Odyssey of a Belief: An Adoptee’s Journal

    by Joe Wh. Zychik

    Odyssey of a Belief is a compelling chronicle about triumph over seemingly hopeless circumstances. The author spent the first six years of his life in eight different homes and two foster centers while being parented by seven different mothers, one grandmother, and who knows how many…

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  • Adoption Is a Lifelong Journey

    Adoption Is a Lifelong Journey

    by Kelly DiBenedetto, Katie Gorczyca, and Jennifer Eckert

    Meet Charlie, an adoptee who opens his heart and shares what’s on his mind through various phases as he grows up in his adoptive home. As the narrator of Adoption Is a Lifelong Journey, Charlie invites readers to see the adoption journey from the perspective…

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  • The Girl and the Grove

    The Girl and the Grove

    by Eric Smith

    Teenager Leila’s life is full of challenges. From bouncing around the foster care system to living with seasonal affective disorder, she’s never had an easy road. Leila keeps herself busy with her passion for environmental advocacy, monitoring the Urban Ecovists message board and joining a…

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  • That Mean Old Yesterday: A Memoir

    That Mean Old Yesterday: A Memoir

    by Stacey Patton

    An astonishing coming-of-age memoir by a young woman who survived the foster care system to become an award-winning journalist.  On a rainy night in November 1999, a shoeless Stacey Patton, promising student at NYU, approached her adoptive parents’ house with a gun in her hand.…

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  • Adoptee: A Childhood of Torment

    Adoptee: A Childhood of Torment

    by Joseph M. Sabol

    The true story of an adopted child, abused, beaten, taunted, and humiliated. This book reveals a very different side of the Catholic Ursuline Order of Sisters and of one of the largest Catholic churches in the Cleveland Diocese, St. Charles Catholic Church, during the 1960s.…

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  • Gold from the Stone: New and Selected Poems

    Gold from the Stone: New and Selected Poems

    by Lemn Sissay

    Lemn Sissay was seventeen when he wrote his first poetry book, which he hand-sold to the miners and millworkers of Wigan. Since then his poems have become landmarks, sculpted in granite and built from concrete, recorded on era-defining albums and declaimed in over thirty countries.…

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  • Adopted: An Adoptee’s Memoir of Healing Love

    Adopted: An Adoptee’s Memoir of Healing Love

    by David C. Alves

    Adopted touches on the issues nearly every child or adult adoptee must face on the way to maturity, wholeness, and redemption. Along the way my personal narrative provides valuable insights to adoptive and foster parents who long to see their children whole. And to adult adoptees…

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  • Letters to My Birthmother: An Adoptee’s Diary of Her Search for Her Identity

    Letters to My Birthmother: An Adoptee’s Diary of Her Search for Her Identity

    by Amy E. Dean

    A memoir in unsent letters written by an adoptee and former foster child. Adoptee Author: Amy E. Dean Publication Year: 1991 Critical Reviews Adoptee Reviews:  Other Reviews:  All Bookshop and Amazon links on this site are affiliate links. We earn a small commission to help keep Adoptee…

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  • The Harris Narratives: An Introspective Study of a Transracial Adoptee

    The Harris Narratives: An Introspective Study of a Transracial Adoptee

    by Susan Harris O’Connor

    This book consists of five autobiographical narratives by Susan Harris O’Connor, a social worker and transracial adoptee. These monologues were developed and performed around the United States in academic, clinical and child welfare settings to wide acclaim over the last sixteen years. They will be…

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  • The Truth So Far: A Detective’s Journey To Reunite with Her Birth Family

    The Truth So Far: A Detective’s Journey To Reunite with Her Birth Family

    by Jennifer Dyan Ghoston

    How do you use a document like the amended birth certificate given to an adoptee as a legal representation of the entire truth? In this memoir, Jennifer Dyan Ghoston examines that question based on her role in law enforcement for over two decades. She shares…

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  • Three More Words

    Three More Words

    by Ashley Rhodes-Courter

    Ashley Rhodes-Courter spent a harrowing nine years of her life in fourteen different foster homes. Her memoir, Three Little Words, captivated audiences everywhere and went on to become a New York Times bestseller. Now Ashley reveals the nuances of life after foster care: College and…

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  • Three Little Words: A Memoir

    Three Little Words: A Memoir

    by Ashley Rhodes-Courter

    An inspiring true story of the tumultuous nine years Ashley Rhodes-Courter spent in the foster care system, and how she triumphed over painful memories and real-life horrors to ultimately find her own voice. “Sunshine, you’re my baby and I’m your only mother. You must mind…

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  • Unstoppable


    by Tim Green

    If anyone understands the phrase “tough luck,” it’s Harrison. As a foster kid in a cruel home, he knows his dream of one day playing in the NFL is a longshot. Then Harrison is brought into a new home with kind, loving parents—his new dad…

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  • Searching for the Castle: Backtrail of an Adoption

    Searching for the Castle: Backtrail of an Adoption

    by Barbara Leigh Ohrstrom

    Like cowboys turning in the saddle to look at where they came from, Searching for the Castle documents the backtrail of author Barbara Leigh Ohrstrom’s adoption. It begins with her urgency as an eighteen-year-old woman initiating her search for her birth parents. Her recollection includes…

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  • Under His Wings: Truths to Heal Adopted, Orphaned, and Waiting Children’s Hearts (Volume 1)

    Under His Wings: Truths to Heal Adopted, Orphaned, and Waiting Children’s Hearts (Volume 1)

    by Sherrie Eldridge and Beth Willis Miller

    Under His Wings is a life-changing resource for: – adoptees – orphans – foster children – children waiting to be adopted. Effective for children, ages nine and upward. Also, orphan ministry training materials for leaders. Healing tool for parents and children to complete together. Critical…

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  • Dear Wonderful You: Letters to Adopted & Fostered Youth

    Dear Wonderful You: Letters to Adopted & Fostered Youth

    Edited by Diane René Christian and Mei-Mei Akwai Ellerman, PhD

    A powerful book filled with thoughtful and inspiring letters. This anthology was written by a global community of adult adoptees and adults who were fostered. Each letter was penned to the upcoming generation of adopted and fostered youth. Editors: Diane René Christian, Mei-Mei Akwai Ellerman Adoptee…

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