Including More Than 450 Adoptee-Recommended Titles!

Books About Intercountry Adoptions from Haiti

  • Adoptionland: From Orphans to Activists

    Adoptionland: From Orphans to Activists

    Edited by Janine Myung Ja, Michael Allen Potter, and Allen L. Vance

    This anthology begins with personal accounts and then shifts to a bird’s eye view on adoption from domestic, intercountry and transracial adoptees who are now adoptee rights activists. Along with adopted people, this collection also includes the voices of mothers and a father from the…

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  • Black Anthology: Adult Adoptees Claim Their Space

    Black Anthology: Adult Adoptees Claim Their Space

    Edited by Susan Harris O’Connor, MSW; Diane René Christian; Mei-Mei Akwai Ellerman, PhD

    People who identify as Black adoptees are vaguely known within both adoption circles as well as universal discussions. We are just beginning to be introduced to one another. This anthology allows for the opportunity to see the rich diversity of a people; the uniqueness within…

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  • The Child Catchers: Rescue, Trafficking, and the New Gospel of Adoption

    The Child Catchers: Rescue, Trafficking, and the New Gospel of Adoption

    by Kathryn Joyce

    Adoption has long been enmeshed in the politics of reproductive rights, pitched as a “win-win” compromise in the never-ending abortion debate. But as Kathryn Joyce makes clear in The Child Catchers, adoption has lately become even more entangled in the conservative Christian agenda. The Child…

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  • The Perks of Being an Adoptee

    The Perks of Being an Adoptee

    by Mae Claire

    Adoption is complex and each adoption is unique. There is something that unites all adoptees though and it is loss. Many find happiness, joy, understanding, and their birth family while at the same time experiencing great pain. There are also adoptees who have had less…

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