Including More Than 450 Adoptee-Recommended Titles!

Author: Editor

  • The Declassified Adoptee: Essays of an Adoption Activist

    The Declassified Adoptee: Essays of an Adoption Activist

    by Amanda H.L. Transue-Woolston; edited by Julie Stromberg

    Throughout this book, readers bear witness to key moments in the unfolding of an adoptee from a quiet, contemplative young woman to an outspoken advocate for the rights of adoptees and their loved ones. By addressing adoption through brief essays, the book provides an avenue through…

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  • Lost Daughters: Writing Adoption from a Place of Empowerment & Peace

    Lost Daughters: Writing Adoption from a Place of Empowerment & Peace

    Edited by Amanda H.L. Transue-Woolston, Julie Stromberg, Karen Pickell, and Jennifer Anastasi

    A collection of writings by the authors of the Lost Daughters blog. The Lost Daughters mission is to bring readers the perspectives and narratives of adopted women, and to highlight their strength, resiliency, and wisdom. Editors: Amanda H.L. Transue-Woolston, Julie Stromberg, Karen Pickell, Jennifer Anastasi Adoptee Authors: Jennifer…

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  • Dear Wonderful You: Letters to Adopted & Fostered Youth

    Dear Wonderful You: Letters to Adopted & Fostered Youth

    Edited by Diane René Christian and Mei-Mei Akwai Ellerman, PhD

    A powerful book filled with thoughtful and inspiring letters. This anthology was written by a global community of adult adoptees and adults who were fostered. Each letter was penned to the upcoming generation of adopted and fostered youth. Editors: Diane René Christian, Mei-Mei Akwai Ellerman Adoptee…

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  • Perpetual Child: Dismantling the Stereotype

    Perpetual Child: Dismantling the Stereotype

    Edited by Diane René Christian and Amanda H.L. Transue-Woolston

    A collection of stories, poems, and essays aimed at confronting the “perpetual child” stereotype faced by adult adoptees. The pieces contained within this anthology implore readers to look deeply into their own ideas about what it means to be adopted and to empathize with the…

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  • An-Ya and Her Diary: Reader and Parent Guide

    An-Ya and Her Diary: Reader and Parent Guide

    Edited by Diane René Christian

    Professional adoptees discuss all aspects of the novel An-Ya and Her Diary. Included are lessons on how to lead an adoption discussion, how a parent can use the novel to emotionally guide their child through the book, as well as writers who eloquently express their…

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  • An-Ya and Her Diary

    An-Ya and Her Diary

    by Diane René Christian

    An-Ya and Her Diary chronicles the journey of a fictional eleven-year-old adoptee from China. Written in diary format, young An-Ya reveals her emotional journey as she is catapulted from a Chinese orphanage into a middle class home in America. Author: Diane René Christian Publication Year: 2012 Critical…

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  • Adoptionland: From Orphans to Activists

    Adoptionland: From Orphans to Activists

    Edited by Janine Myung Ja, Michael Allen Potter, and Allen L. Vance

    This anthology begins with personal accounts and then shifts to a bird’s eye view on adoption from domestic, intercountry and transracial adoptees who are now adoptee rights activists. Along with adopted people, this collection also includes the voices of mothers and a father from the…

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  • Adoption Healing: A Path to Recovery

    Adoption Healing: A Path to Recovery

    by Joe Soll

    In this unique book, the reader is provided with a description of the unfolding of the adoptee’s personality from birth, detailing each developmental milestone along the way, followed by different methods of healing the adoptee’s wounds, including inner child work, visualizations, healing affirmations, and anger…

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  • Adoptees Come of Age: Living within Two Families

    Adoptees Come of Age: Living within Two Families

    by Ronald J. Nydam

    Ronald Nydam acquaints the pastoral counselor with some of the struggles that adopted people confront in their development and in their adult lives. Drawn from the compelling stories of people who have been adopted, this book provides an intelligent and accessible description of the distinct…

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  • Adopted Reality

    Adopted Reality

    by Laura Dennis

    Caught in a paranoid delusion that she’s a bionic spy responsible for 9/11, adoptee Laura Dennis must fight her perfectionist, self-destructive tendencies to regain her sanity. Adoptee Author: Laura Dennis Publication Year: 2012 Critical Reviews Adoptee Reviews:  Other Reviews:  All Bookshop and Amazon links on this site…

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  • Adopted Like Me: Chosen to Search for Truth, Identity, and a Birthmother

    Adopted Like Me: Chosen to Search for Truth, Identity, and a Birthmother

    by Michael C. Watson

    As a child, Michael Watson asked, “Who is my mother?” The following twenty years he asked, “Who am I?” While narrating his quest to find the missing link to his past, Watson discovers that life’s obstacles are also direct sources for human potential, and that…

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  • A Wealth of Family: An Adopted Son’s International Quest for Heritage, Reunion, and Enrichment

    A Wealth of Family: An Adopted Son’s International Quest for Heritage, Reunion, and Enrichment

    by Thomas Brooks

    Brooks grew up as the only child of a struggling single mother in inner-city Pittsburgh. He was battling racial stereotypes at school and searching for a place among his peers. Then he was told at age eleven that he was adopted. Brooks had actually been…

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  • A Single Square Picture: A Korean Adoptee’s Search for Her Roots

    A Single Square Picture: A Korean Adoptee’s Search for Her Roots

    by Katy Robinson

    At seven years old, Katy Robinson is adopted by a Salt Lake City, Utah, couple. Twenty years later, she returns to Seoul, Korea, to reconnect with her birth family and finds herself an outsider in her native country. Adoptee Author: Katy Robinson Publication Year: 2002 Critical Reviews…

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  • A Princess Found: An American Family, an African Chiefdom, and the Daughter Who Connected Them All

    A Princess Found: An American Family, an African Chiefdom, and the Daughter Who Connected Them All

    by Sarah Culberson and Tracy Trivas

    A biracial adoptee from West Virginia searches for her birth parents and discovers that her father is the chief of a Mende tribe in Sierra Leone. Her memoir is paralleled with the story of her father, recreated by a coauthor. Adoptee Author: Sarah Culberson Author: Tracy Trivas…

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  • A Man and His Mother: An Adopted Son’s Search

    A Man and His Mother: An Adopted Son’s Search

    by Tim Green

    From Tim’s life as a gangly youngster to competing in the grueling National Football League to having children of his own, this is an impassioned exploration of the special relationship between and a man and his mother, and how deeply this relationship affects everything we…

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  • A Ghost at Heart’s Edge: Stories and Poems of Adoption

    A Ghost at Heart’s Edge: Stories and Poems of Adoption

    Edited by Susan Ito and Tina Cervin

    Sixty short stories and poems reveal the sometimes heartbreaking, often affirming tales of adoption. Written from the point of view of birth parents, adoptive parents, and adoptees, this unique anthology spans nations and cultures. Editors: Susan Ito, Tina Cervin Adoptee Authors: Mi Ok Song Bruining, Lisa Buchanan,…

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  • Blackbird: A Childhood Lost and Found

    Blackbird: A Childhood Lost and Found

    by Jennifer Lauck

    An account of the author’s childhood, including the deaths of her adoptive parents and Lauck’s discovery that she is adopted, told from her point of view as a child experiencing these events. Adoptee Author: Jennifer Lauck Publication Year: 1999 Critical Reviews Adoptee Reviews:  Other Reviews:  All Bookshop…

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  • Between, Georgia

    Between, Georgia

    by Joshilyn Jackson

    A fictional story about a woman caught between two feuding families — her adoptive and birth families — in the small town of Between, Georgia. Author: Joshilyn Jackson Publication Year: 2006 Critical Reviews Adoptee Reviews:  Other Reviews:  All Bookshop and Amazon links on this site are affiliate…

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