Including More Than 450 Adoptee-Recommended Titles!

Behind the Scenes

Adoptee Reading was founded and is maintained by Karen Pickell. Karen is a Baby Scoop Era adoptee from Ohio who has reunited with her birth family. She is married to an adoptive father of two children from a previous marriage, one of whom was adopted from Korea; together they also have two biological children.

Karen holds a Master of Arts in Professional Writing with a concentration in creative writing. While completing her graduate thesis–a collection of poems and short stories on adoption themes–she longed for a place where she could easily find books that were pertinent to the topics she wished to write about, particularly books written by other adoptees. Thus, the idea for Adoptee Reading was born.

Karen blogs at, where you can find links to her published work as well. She was the editor-in-chief of Raised Voice Press.

To contact Karen directly, please click here.