Including More Than 450 Adoptee-Recommended Titles!

Off To a Great Start

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Many thanks to everyone who has taken a look around here and also shared this site via social media. Suggestions for additional books to be added are already rolling in!

Two kinds of books will be listed. First and foremost, we will list books written by adoptees. These don’t require any kind of special recommendation. If the author is an adoptee, that’s all it takes to have the book listed here!

Many of us also recommend adoption books to each other that are not written by adoptees. For example, Nancy Verrier is not an adoptee, yet her insight into the adoptee experience has been valuable for many adopted people, myself included. We want these types of books to be easily discovered by other adoptees. Therefore, the second kind of book we will list here are those that are not written by adoptees, but are recommended by adoptees. A book authored by someone who is not adopted will only be listed here if an adoptee recommends it.

We want this site to to be a resource for adoptees to find literature that pertains to their life experiences. We also hope that those who are not adopted will come here to learn about what it’s really like to be an adoptee. If you want to know more about adoption, those who are living it are the best teachers.

Keep checking back here and you will soon discover there are many more books being written by adoptees than you ever imagined. So far, only about one third of the books we’ve identified have been loaded onto the site. This is only the beginning!
