In the idyllic Berkshires, at the prestigious Pioneer School, there are dark secrets that threaten to come to light. Willa Golding, a student, has been brought up by her adoptive parents in elegant prosperity, but they have fled a mysterious and shameful past. Her biological father, a failing writer and former drug addict, needs to see the daughter he abandoned, and so he gains a teaching position at the school. A feminist sculptor initiates a reckless affair, the Pioneer students live in a world to which adults turn a blind eye, and the headmaster’s wife is busy keeping her husband’s current indiscretions well hidden. Building to a breathtaking collision between two fathers–biological and adoptive, past and present–Somebody Else’s Daughter is both a suspenseful thriller and a probing study of richly conflicted characters in emotional turmoil.
Adoptee Author: Elizabeth Brundage
Publication Year: 2008
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