I am grateful being adopted as a toddler and having an early life of mostly fond memories. My adoptive mother had passed, and my adoptive father remarried. I had a good career and a family of my own. But, being adopted nagged at me. I learned that I had a brother or sister somewhere. So, it was time to find out about my biological parents and what, if any, inheritable medical issues were in store for the future. This book tells you how I went about my successful research from “official” documentation prior to DNA, to the more recent discoveries that include my DNA relatives. This book contains examples of what you might run into if you’re looking for your biological family. There is a lot of food for thought. If you are adopted or looking for your biological family, this may be one of the most important books you will ever read.
Adoptee Author: Douglas M. Dubrish
Publication Year: 2022
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