While searching for her birth family, S.M. Ezeff discovered there was a shortage of African American adoptees speaking out and came to realize that agency-based adoption is still taboo within the African American community. Constantly being asked if her adoptive parents were Black, she learned that being adopted into another Black family was somewhat of a rarity. With this in mind, she intended to be one of the first African American adoptees to share her story. She discusses the struggles of her own adoption and talks about the different challenges that might be faced by other African American adoptees, including secrecy within African American culture and how it intertwines with the same silence found within past and modern adoption practices. She tried to escape her pain through travel, academic success, and worldly achievements, hoping to make herself more loveable in a world where she constantly felt abandoned and rejected. S.M. Ezeff is proud to be one of the few African American adoptees to publicly share her adoption story and hopes that other African Americans adoptees will be inspired to do the same.
Adoptee Author: S.M. Ezeff
Publication Year: 2015
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